Impactful programs grounded in data, research, and relationships.

Together with parents, educators, and community partners, we are catalyzing a network of change agents to bring quality early learning to every child.

Child Parent Academy


VOCEL’S flagship program is a dynamic, two-generational early learning accelerator where young children (0-4 years) and their parents learn side-by-side. Sessions meet weekly for 10 months at 14 community-based locations on Chicago’s west, southwest, and south sides. During COVID-19, all programming is accessible through virtual platforms.

Leveraging the latest research in early learning and adult capabilities, the Child Parent Academy is intentionally designed for both young children and their parents/caregivers. VOCEL believes that young children can build a foundation for future academic learning by ensuring that their parents/caregivers have the knowledge, social capital, and support to help their children succeed.

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Early Educators for Thriving Children Fellowship (EETC)


VOCEL’s (EETC) Fellowship will help Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers navigate the return to in-person learning and create action plans to implement key priorities for improvement at their schools, bolstered by a community of support in the fellowship cohort. This fellowship will help those teacher leaders translate their knowledge, visions and goals to action with the support of a coach and peer group ready to help one another – and one another’s students – thrive. 

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Building Early Learning Leaders (BELL)


We believe that schools must prepare for young children just as much as children should prepare for school. That’s why VOCEL has partnered with the Education Equity Fund to support a cohort of Chicago Public Schools leaders in establishing their vision for early learning excellence.

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Powered by VOCEL


Following demand for the Child Parent Academy and seeking to leverage the great talent that already exists in each school community, using a “train the trainer” approach, VOCEL is equipping parents and community members at select CPS elementary schools to implement the Child Parent Academy at their home schools with coaching and support from our expert staff.

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