Babies are born learning from day 1.


Babies’ brains develop at an amazing rate, faster than any other time in their lives. In the first five years, billions of neural connections are made. And how babies’ brains develop has a huge impact on their future success.


The Good News

Your little one has the most important thing they need for healthy brain growth: YOU


What to Know About Brain Science

How does healthy brain development happen?

Study after study shows that positive experiences, stimulation, and love with you and other adults in their life help children’s brains grow strong.


Positive connections help your child’s brain grow strong and flexible.

For babies, caring interactions, stimulation, and love in their first few days, weeks, months, and years help their brain develop strong, healthy connections.

Interactions with you stimulate their learning.

Back-and-forth moments build your child’s brain in ways that help their learning, health, and behavior both now and in the future.

What they learn now serves them all their lives.

Building life skills like focus, self control, problem-solving, and taking on challenges helps your child today and later in life. These are even linked to school success, health, and stable finances in adulthood!


At VOCEL’s Child Parent Academy, we show parents and caregivers how to turn ordinary interactions with your child into brain-building moments. Find a location near you or visit our resources to try new brain boosting activities at home.