Informing the environments where young learners thrive

Helping schools prepare for their youngest students.
As more communities recognize the impact of early education in children’s long-term success, there is a growing movement to expand elementary schools to reach our youngest learners. We work with school leaders and educators to share our approach to early learning and build their capacity to design, implement and lead pre-K programs grounded in research, science, and relationships.
Building Early Learning Leaders (BELL)
Designed in partnership with the The Chicago Public Education Fund and Chicago Public Schools’ Office of Early Childhood Education, BELL is a coaching program that engages a cohort of CPS elementary school leaders to build their vision for early learning excellence. Through a combination of group training, individualized coaching, and ready-to-use resources, VOCEL supports principals and assistant principals to lead exemplary pre-kindergarten programs within their schools. We provide targeted support that serves as a bridge, connecting excellence in pre-k to strong practices throughout the elementary building.
A VOCEL coach engages school leaders in cycles for improvement focused on child development/pedagogy, vision for early learning excellence, or leadership/coaching capacity. Currently, BELL supports principals, assistant principals, and teacher leaders in a diverse cohort of schools across Chicago.
Early Educators for Thriving Children (EETC) Fellowship
VOCEL’s EETC Fellowship, designed in partnership with A Better Chicago, supports pre-K through second grade teachers learn developmentally appropriate practices and implementation on mental health supports, play based learning, and social emotional learning. Together with a community of support in the fellowship cohort, they will create action plans to implement key priorities for improvement at their schools.
This fellowship will help those teacher leaders translate their knowledge, visions and goals to action with the support of a coach and peer group ready to help one another – and one another’s students – thrive!