Dolores head shot

Maria Dolores Vaca

Family Support Manager

“I consider VOCEL’s programs unique for its philosophy of Viewing Our Children as Emerging Leaders.”

Working with Child Parent Academy cohorts on Chicago’s southwest side, Maria Dolores Vaca connects with parents and caregivers to offer support and teaching tools. Dolores has worked with parents of babies, toddlers and young children (ages 0-4) for over 10 years. Before coming to VOCEL, she facilitated Parent Interaction groups where parents and kids had space to socialize and develop through activities such as reading, music, sensory and gross motor interactions. 

Dolores’s goal is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space to support parents and caregivers to strengthen their relationships with their children. This can be possible through developmentally appropriate activities for children, open discussions for parents about child development and other challenges the parents might encounter, and connections across parents' experiences.

Dolores’ hobbies are walking, reading, listening to music and being outside. She loves to admire nature and its wonderful colors, especially in the Fall, because it reminds her of the diversity of people, opinions and cultures that surrounds her.